Sunday, June 28, 2009

a quick recap of last 2 months of my life...

It's been such a long time since I last wrote on my blog and so much has happened in my life during this time that I am finding it difficult to figure out where to start... Let's go in in a chronological order...

When everything in life was doing rounds in near perfect circle as if everything's rehearsed and perfected over ages to happen in the same way giving li'l scope of deviation from the routine, a fresh gust of air whiffed away the monotonousness of life and brought a much awaited news. News of my sis blessed with a baby girl (on 16th May) making me mama (uncle) for the fourth time (tally stands at 3 nieces and 1 nephew from 2 sis)... I went to my hometown (Jaipur) to meet my parents and sis and ofcourse my newly born niece (who was 8 days old when I first saw her) and spent a whole week enjoying with them... I cherish every moment I spent with my niece - holding her in my arms, watching her making strange faces, sleeping most of the times, crying or yawning rest of the times... What a life kids have man !! Oblivious of everything... Well, not everything actually... You put them on bed for one second and they will know the discomfort and start yelling :-)... You don't feed them on time they will start yelling again... And you just dare to give them a bath man and you'll know what decibels they are capable of going upto...

After a week's time of total enjoyment, I came back to Pune and back to the same shitty routine... Same home, same room, same furniture, same car, same office, same work, same people, same gym - everything's same. Nothing changed. Well, probably a week is too much for vacationing (my boss will say that) but too less to change anything significantly in life.

Life continued rolling, uneventful, progressing day by day, taking me along with it, till I came across yet another good news. No, not another baby this time :-) This time it was the news of my colleague and a great friend making into NMIMS, Mumbai. Actually, to admit, my selfish self felt bad initially bcuz that meant he will be leaving Pune but sooner my selfishness paved way to a much mature admittance of the fact that friends cannot be tied together at a place and friendship cannot be obnubilated by distances. He has now started his journey into the field of management and I wish him all the very best from the cleanest, purest corner of my heart...

Now, as to the most latest developments in my life, I have started wearing contact lenses - I think it is working good for a change. But not sure if I can really continue with them for long...

And now it's time for the breaking news, as recent as it could be, so fresh that it has still kept my room's floor wet, a perfect disaster that can greet you on a pleasant sunday morning, I woke up only to find my room inundated and my belongings that include my guitar (I don't know how to play it though), carton full of books, shoes, suitcase and laptop's charger completely soaked in the cold water gushing from kitchen's tap which was accidently left opened by some asshole flatmate of mine. And to add to my misery, my flatmates were all sleeping drunk leaving me no choice but to clean my room all by myself.

By the way, I forgot to tell you, I am now a "proud owner" of US L1 B Work Permit. Got it stamped before I left for my vacation. That was a terrible experience probably worthy of one or may be two blogs itself. Standing outside the US Consulate in a queue for around 2-3 hrs was painful. And now I think, what for ? A passport emblazoned with a US visa which I don't reckon will ever get a chance to see the US land atleast in the near future... Anyways...

Rest all's fine. Tomorrow is Monday and I am yet to prepare myself for yet another week of torturous encounters. Wish me luck !!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one.. though i already know d events be4 reading d blog... Keep writing dude.... :)
